visual & performance artist

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Two Spaces:

1. service sector workers who thought they were retired but returned to work because they can t make ends meet ,


2. Homeless Vets, with an emphasis on LGBTQ people who are Homeless and struggling to reconcile themselves in a still-rigidly macho context.


‘As an exploration in empathy, artist David Rohn will serve as security early on during the opening reception, and later serve hors d’oeuvres as a cater waitress, performing one of his many characters. By claiming that he is currently on duty, Rohn questions the role of unacknowledged labor.’

Images of Service Workers and Military Service Veterans

A selection exhibited at 4Heads -Portal, New York, May 1-7, 2017.

And an enlarged selection exhibited at Hollywood Arts and Culture Center, Hollywood FL; June – Sept, 2017

24: x 32″ Digital Print mounted on Plexi with exposed edge Plywood Back

Editions of 3


HoodieGurl2May16'17s cSM


HairBoy May17'17s SM

grey server 1PFFs-SM

DarkVet1PFFs SM

clochard 1PFFs SM

CableBlondF 3FbkgrBsd SM

BurgaKing 2PFFs SM


Black Cap 3BkgrFFFaltS SM

Biker 1PFFs SM